1. Autistan is the “world of the autistic people”: in short, it refers to everything that characterises autism and autistic people.
2. The main goal of the Autistan Diplomatic Organisation is to inform the public authorities of the countries, so that they better understand the needs and difficulties of autistic people, with the aim of a “Correct Consideration of Autism Everywhere” allowing “Accessibility for Autistic People Exposed to Handicapping Situations“, in order to reduce “Socio-Generated Disturbances” (sensory, mental or other).
Our organization is “extra-national”, it does not “interfere from outside”, it proposes complementary contributions thanks to a very broad, diverse, different approach, which allows comparisons and reflections very useful to improve public policies.3. Autistic people do not suffer “from autism”: they suffer from the consequences of the absence of Correct Consideration of Autism Everywhere, and therefore from the absence of public policies and measures enabling accessibility through the reduction of those external disturbances.
4. To achieve this, it is essential to begin by understanding that “autism” (which is a human difference with many qualities) is something different from “autism disorders” (which are merely problems, objective or subjective).
5. Autistic people must be able to “learn about non-autism” in order to adapt to it, BUT without conforming to it, i.e. without being “obliged to become non-autistic”, because the qualities specific to autism must be preserved, and the many dangerous social flaws and traps must be avoided, in particular the one that consists of creating self-esteem through “possible judgement by strangers”, which forces a kind of “dictatorship of social image” obliging people to “shine” (which is absurd, superficial and particularly toxic for autistic people).
6. It is imperative that autistic people are not hindered in their interests or undertakings (apart from the minimum rules of conduct), that they are not exposed to restrictions, over-protection or deprivation of freedom because of their autism.
This is unfair and, above all, it prevents any positive development.
The positive development of autistic people is only possible if they can follow “their own path in life”, which is necessarily not ordinary, and which will be encouraged by an unlimited multitude of possibilities, choices, chances, experiences, encounters, adventures, journeys, etc., and not by the opposite: the restriction and aridity of a life that is even more limited and restricted than that of most non-autistic people (which is very “standardised and robotic”).
For this reason, it is imperative and essential that the PARENTS of autistic people be ” educated about autism “.7. Freedom and experimentation are therefore essential, and an understanding of these principles (among many others that we can explain and demonstrate in detail) is essential for society to enable a better life for autistic people: freer, fairer, more fulfilled, with the same level of opportunities and chances as non-autistic people, in other words a “real life”, dignified and happy.
8. This would be possible if the autistic people who can explain these things were listened to attentively, and if the public authorities made an effort and understood that the necessary changes are not abusive: they are corrections that are beneficial to society as a whole.
Trying to raise attention, and to explain these things convincingly with real life examples and evidence: that is the sole aim of our organization.
Learn more: Autistan.org